6 Tips for Resisting the Urge to Overeat at Holiday Feasts

Reading Time: 4 minutes Don’t get me wrong – I’m the last person to recommend trying to stick to some strict diet on Thanksgiving. I think that (barring severe allergies or food sensitivities) that there are times when we can have ‘legal cheats’ from whatever eating program we might be following. And certainly a holiday spent with loved ones and centered around food is one of them!

What I AM talking about is staying tuned into your own body. It is an act of self-love to listen to your body’s signals. That overstuffed feeling just doesn’t really feel good! And, remember, only you know your own body. While one person might feel full consuming half as much food as you can comfortably eat, for another it might take twice as much to get them to satiation.

Here are a few tips to help you get tuned into YOUR signals and to stay connected to your intentions and to your own feel-good when it comes time for the big feast.