A Morning Ritual Can Change Your Life

Reading Time: 7 minutes A ritual is different than a routine. While both are important, a ritual is more of a celebration and a devotion. An acknowledgment of your own connection to the sacred and to that great well of creativity that we all spring from. Rituals can be practiced in groups as well as solo, but generally, your morning ritual is a practice just for you.

Now I know what you might be thinking. Are you kidding? How can I add one more thing into my already packed day?

And yes, I hear where you’re coming from. I have so been there. I’m just asking you to suspend your judgment and disbelief a few minutes and hear me out.

There’s no better time than right now to create a ritual to start your own day with intention. In this age of smart phones, and more upsetting news flashes coming in fast and furious, it’s easier than ever for your day to get completely thrown off.