How To Feel Healthy and Relaxed Amidst the Holiday Frenzy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Let’s face it—even if you’re a person that absolutely loves the razzle-dazzle of the winter holidays, even if you find joy and delight browsing through your local shops or favorite websites in search for that perfect gift for your favorite friend — you probably notice yourself getting a little stressed out from it all sometimes.

Holiday stress is a thing. We want to get it perfect. To find the best gifts that knock their socks off, prepare the most delicious meals, show up for that New Year’s party in a dress that makes you feel like you’re on a movie set.

We want the kids to be happy, the travel to go smoothly, and of course to look and feel fabulous throughout it all.

Inevitably that’s a fail. And you might already know it and have been dreading that feeling of stress and failure for the last month or so.