Home Thrive How To Feel Healthy and Relaxed Amidst the Holiday Frenzy

How To Feel Healthy and Relaxed Amidst the Holiday Frenzy

by Confluence
Reading Time: 3 minutes

By: Sarah Grace Powers – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

Let’s face it—even if you’re a person that absolutely loves the razzle-dazzle of the winter holidays, even if you find joy and delight browsing through your local shops or favorite websites in search for that perfect gift for your favorite friend — you probably notice yourself getting a little stressed out from it all sometimes.

Holiday stress is a thing. We want to get it perfect. To find the best gifts that knock their socks off, prepare the most delicious meals, show up for that New Year’s party in a dress that makes you feel like you’re on a movie set.

We want the kids to be happy, the travel to go smoothly, and of course to look and feel fabulous throughout it all.

Inevitably that’s a fail. And you might already know it and have been dreading that feeling of stress and failure for the last month or so.

And then, for some us, all of that holiday stress is made exponential by the deluge of tempting and delicious holiday goodies that seem to surround us no matter where we turn.

If you’re attempting to maintain your weight, or even keep losing it, the holiday season is most definitely not your friend.

Or, even if you fine with your weight but you just know that you no longer digest certain foods well (hi there sugar, gluten, dairy products, etc), the holidays can also be your nemesis.

It really takes away from the joy and delight, making it hard to experience the ‘Spirit of the Season’ if you’re in a constant battle with yourself about whether or not to eat those delicious cookies your well-intentioned neighbor just brought over.

A lot of us throw up our hands and simply give up on trying to stay on a good eating plan, resolving to get started after the new year.

And yet – imagine how much better off you’ll be come January 1st if you HAVEN’T packed on a few extra pounds to drop. Imagine how much more energy and vitality you’ll have for holiday events if your body isn’t having to detox from an excess of sugary, fatty foods, and all those extra drinks?

I’ve struggled through this one for more years I care to admit, and now I have a secret weapon to that helps so much in keeping me on track.

That secret weapon is EFT Tapping.

I’m SO glad to have discovered EFT to help me through. Food carries so much emotional meaning for most of us. And during the holidays that amps up even more. It’s just so comforting to indulge in the foods that are traditional treats for our family – even though we know we won’t feel too good later.

And then of course, there’s the way food calms all that stress around the gift shopping, the extra cooking and cleaning, the parties, and the family get-togethers.

Tapping is an easy and incredibly awesome substitute for calming that stress, without affecting your waistline!

Curious about how this can work?

Go HERE to listen to, and tap along with, two free tapping audios. One will help to reduce any stress or anxiety you are feeling related to the holidays and their accompanying obligations. The other will reduce your cravings for foods you really would rather not eat, or at least you’d rather eat a lot less of them, as you move through these last few weeks of December.

Don’t wait till January to feel and look your best! Treat yourself to this holiday gift for Confluence readers.

Listen or Download your free tapping audios here.


More by Sarah:




Sarah Grace Powers is a certified life coach and EFT Practitioner. She is a ‘dream resuscitator’, helping clients rediscover their passions and reinvent themselves no matter what their age or circumstance. In her previous career she owned and operated an herb shop and has practiced holistic living for over three decades. Find her at sarahgracecoach.com




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