Home Informed 3 News Stories You Should Read Today – 4/2/2018

3 News Stories You Should Read Today – 4/2/2018

by Confluence
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

Trump and Putin discussed White House as a possible meeting venue, Sanders confirms

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued a statement after an aide to Russian president Vladimir Putin commented on the yet-to-be-announced meeting. NBC’s Peter Alexander reports.

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Researchers have ditched the autism-vaccine hypothesis. Here’s what they think actually causes it.

Genes and the microbiome are some of the most promising leads.

Today, about one in 68 US children has autism — a rate that’s remained unchanged since at least 1990, though there’s been a steady increase in awareness and diagnosis. And it’s the families of children with autism who are among the most vocal proponents of the vaccine-autism link. Many are confused, and searching for an explanation about why their children developed it.

It doesn’t help that doctors have long struggled to explain what exactly causes autism. Over the years, many medical theories have been debunked and then replaced by new ones.

But the medical community is now getting closer and closer to zeroing in on the cause. I recently talked to half a dozen researchers on the cutting edge of this work to find out what they see as the latest and best evidence for what might trigger autism.



Video Reveals Power Of Sinclair, As Local News Anchors Recite Script In Unison

Sinclair required local anchors to record promos where they denounce “the troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing our country” and say that “some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control ‘exactly what people think.'”

Sinclair says it is simply warning viewers about the dangers of fake news circulating on social media.

But media critics see a powerful company using local journalists to parrot one of President Trump’s most consistent talking points — an allegation that the mainstream media cannot be trusted.



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