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Caputo, Philly Starbucks, Domestic Terrorism: 3 Stories You Should Read Today – 5/4/2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

Caputo on Mueller interview: It was awful

Former aide to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign Michael Caputo told CNN’sAnderson Cooper that he believes the special counsel Robert Mueller team is “focused on Russia collusion” after being interviewed by special counsel investigators.

Watch interview here



Black men arrested at Starbucks settle with Philadelphia for $1 each, plus $200K for youth

Two black men arrested for sitting at a Philadelphia Starbucks without ordering anything settled with the city Wednesday for a symbolic $1 each and a promise from officials to set up a $200,000 program for young entrepreneurs.

The men and their lawyer told The Associated Press the settlement was an effort to make sure something positive came out of the incident.

“We thought long and hard about it and we feel like this is the best way to see that change that we want to see,” said Donte Robinson, one of those arrested. “It’s not a right-now thing that’s good for right now, but I feel like we will see the true change over time.”




How a potential mass shooter put Vermont on a path to redefining “domestic terrorism”

Legislators in Vermont are proposing a far-reaching and unusual solution for mass shootings that would legally define such attacks as domestic terrorism — regardless of the shooter’s ideological motivation.

The state’s domestic terrorism bill, which passed the House Thursday and will now head back to the Senate for a vote, followed the arrest of 18-year-old Jack Sawyer, who kept a journal detailing his plans to shoot up his old high school. Sawyer’s actions ultimately proved insufficient to meet Vermont’s unusually high evidentiary bar for attempt charges. Prosecutors dropped the most serious allegations against him, and Sawyer pleaded not guilty to the rest.



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