Home News Antifa, White Civil Rights, Melania: 3 News Stories You Should Read Today – 6/21/2018

Antifa, White Civil Rights, Melania: 3 News Stories You Should Read Today – 6/21/2018

by Confluence
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In the category of: Good for her, maybe, I don’t know…

Melania Trump makes a surprise visit to border facilities

“She wants to see what’s real,” said the first lady’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told CNN during a 10-minute press briefing en route to Texas. “She wanted to see as close to what she had been seeing on TV. She wants to see a realistic view of what’s happening.”

The first lady’s visit comes one day after President Donald Trump signed an executive order to cease his own administration’s separation practice that has caused wide-ranging criticism and consternation. Previously the President had insisted Congress needed to act to stop the practice but then reversed that claim.




In the category of: This is going to be an Antifa holiday.

‘White Civil Rights’ Rally Coming to DC After National Park Service Approves Application 

The rally, to be held outside the White House at Lafayette Square, is being planned by Jason Kessler, who organized the Unite the Right rally last year to protest the removal of Confederate statues in cities. That event quickly turned violent, resulting in the death of 32-year-old counterprotester Heather Heyer. Several other counterprotesters standing up against racism and white supremacy were also injured.

The application that NPS signed off on indicates that the event will take place Aug. 11 and 12.

“This year we have a new purpose,” Kessler said, according to the news station. “That’s to talk about the civil rights abuse that happened in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year.”




In the category of: Speaking of Antifa…


The anti-fascist organization shared a link on Tuesday that includes names, photos, job titles, cities and links to ICE employees’ LinkedIn profiles. “Some enterprising hero archived the ICE employees listed on LinkedIn,” said the tweet from Nebraska Antifa, which claims to share news on trap hunting fascists and racists in Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas.

The document was originally compiled by Twitter user Sam Lavigne, who claimed to have “scraped LinkedIn for people that work for ICE.” Lavigne’s original post on Medium has since been removed, but the Nebraska Antifa account linked to an archived version of the list for its followers to access.




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