Podcast: 3 Ways to Milk a Bad Mood and 4 Ways to Turn it Around
By: Lisa M. Hayes – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.
The bottom line about moods is we get to choose them and whether you believe that or not, it’s true. Moods aren’t random. They are the cumulative effect of our focus and that’s 100% in our control.
We are going to talk about:
My favorite ways to milk a bad mood
Why you shouldn’t ever do that
And 4 ways to turn a bad mood around on a dime.
The bottom line is you can be as happy as you want to in any given moment. You’ve simply got to make that choice and stick your landing in a feel better place.
More by Lisa:
Lisa is an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is the author of the newly released hit book, Score Your Soulmate and How to Escape from Relationship Hell and The Passion Plan.
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