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news for women


Boost Your Metabolism and Brain Power with Matcha

Reading Time: 6 minutes Today I want to clue you in on the benefits of matcha specifically. I just might inspire you to trade in your coffee for a matcha latte, or just a plain ceremonial matcha.

Although I’ve discovered there are many, many different grades of matcha, it seems to me that most of the health benefits are present no matter what grade you choose. I’ve now traded in my Trader Joe packets for an authentic Japanese matcha powder with a far superior flavor and texture. However, I honestly think that lower quality Trader Joe’s stuff still packed a power punch.

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Brene Brown: Not Everyone Has the Privilege of Vulnerability

Reading Time: 3 minutes I can think of black women leaders who have told me that they cannot afford to be vulnerable at work because they would lose their jobs. When a black woman feels anger and expresses it at work, she is labeled an angry black woman. When a white woman does the same thing, it is called righteous indignation and the white makes support her.

At the end of the day, what my beloved Brene Brown is saying ( I am absolutely certain that it is unconscious on her part) is that we should liberate our vulnerabilities in a culturally white way to create deeper connections in a way that is appropriate is culturally white settings.

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Editorial: When the President is Above the Law We Can No Longer Peddle the Fairy Tale of a Democracy

Reading Time: 4 minutes By publicly and procedurally taking a stance that the President of the United States will dismiss the authority of the Congressional branch of government, he has stepped into the role of a dictator unchallenged. Without all three branches of our government, we have lost our checks and balances and without them, the rule of law regarding our president and his appointees is defunct.

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NY Post: Ex-prosecutors: Trump would have been charged if he weren’t president

Reading Time: 1 minute “We emphasize that these are not matters of close professional judgment,​”​ ​the prosecutors said. ​”​But, to look at these facts and say that a prosecutor could not probably sustain a conviction for obstruction of justice ​-​ the standard set out in Principles of Federal Prosecution ​- runs counter to logic and our experience.​”

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