One place where everything comes together


Right This Very Moment, You Are Telling Yourself a Story

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By: Lisa M. Hayes – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.


Humans do this thing we almost never notice – and yet we’re doing it in almost every moment of every day. We narrate as we go along, telling ourselves a running story about what’s happening in the moment. That running dialog camps out in the nether regions between conscious and unconscious thought. We tend to think the story is just running. However, we’ve got more control than we might want to exercise.

You hear that narration just below your conscious thoughts all the time. It shapes your perception of reality. It’s completely within your control if you just reach for it. That narration is about one hundred percent responsible for how we experience our moments, days, and lives.

This might be one version of the story I might have been telling this morning.

I always oversleep. I never get up early enough.
Mondays are not my favorite.
Here we go again. I’m not feeling ready to start this week.
So many things I didn’t get finished over the weekend.
I always wear the same thing. I wish I had more time to get myself looking good.
I’m so sick of not knowing what to make for breakfast.

And here is the thing: That is poor quality writing. Anyone who read that would know it. You wouldn’t want to read a novel that read like that. But left to my own habitual internal monologue – that would be the story of many of my mornings and that would be the experience I’d have of many of my days, unconsciously. I might think it was out of my control – but it’s not. I can narrate a much more intentional, much more beautiful experience than that.

Here’s another option:

I am waking up on my own time in this beautiful bed, greeted by another faint blue sky again. Today feels unwritten and I always like that feeling. The weekend was intense, with so much to do and so many projects still incomplete. But Mondays are always new, a chance to chance to keep moving, a day to keep choosing. Mondays might not be my favorite, but they always show up ripe and ready even when I’m not. 

This comfortable uniform I’m wearing makes me feel at home, my daily wear, that’s uniquely me. And as I look in the mirror, bare-faced and raw, I see myself, as I am – here, now, naked. It’s easy to love what I see in the mirror. 

The simplicity of just this banana is perfect for today. Unpeeling it’s fresh, fleshy fruit feels like a metaphor for what might lay ahead, today, this week, this month. But as I’m eating the soft sweet bites, I stop for just a moment and inhale the smell of something so familiar and yet so exotic – a banana. This smell takes me places I want to be if only for a moment. 

It’s going to be a good day because I am going to make it so. 

If both of those were a book, and you had to choose between them, I’m guessing you’d want to read the latter. I know I would. I also know, although both versions of that story describe the same day, I’d rather experience the latter also.

I can have either experience. I can have the Monday that sucks, where I look like shit and mumble to myself while staring into the fridge or I can have a day ripe with fresh possibilities and tropical smelling fruits.

It’s all a story. I am the storyteller. That semi-unconscious running dialog can work for me or against me.

We are all making it up as we go along.
We are all creating reality moment by moment.

Vibration is like a currency. You are buying your next version of reality with the vibration you offer today. By narrating your best story of now, you are creating a vibrational reality that gets you the best version of reality moving forward.

Nothing needs to change for you to tell a compelling, satisfying, enjoyable story about the moment you are in right now. Any good novelist knows that. The skill is in being able to artfully describe the mundane. That is the craft of both an exceptional novelist and a deliberate creator.

The bottom line is, if you want a more joy-filled, interesting, and delicious life, you’ve got to narrate that story moment by moment. Tell the story you’d want to read so you can live the life you want to live.

Lisa Hayes, The Love Whisperer, is an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is the author of the newly released hit book, Score Your Soulmate and How to Escape from Relationship Hell and The Passion Plan.


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