Home Informed 3 News Stories Your Should Read Today – 4/12/2018

3 News Stories Your Should Read Today – 4/12/2018

by Confluence
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

Drug testing for food stamps may be coming soon

WASHINGTON – The Trump administration is considering a plan that would allow states to require certain food stamp recipients to undergo drug testing, handing a win to conservatives who’ve long sought ways to curb the safety net program.

The proposal under review would be narrowly targeted, applying mostly to people who are able-bodied, without dependents and applying for some specialized jobs, according to an administration official briefed on the plan. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said roughly 5 percent of participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program could be affected.



What Palestinians can teach us about popular resistance

The people of Gaza rose up not because of Palestinian political factions, but despite them.

It goes without saying that Palestinians need no lectures on how to resist the Israeli occupation, combat racism and defeat apartheid. They, and only they, are capable of developing the proper strategy and the tools that will eventually lead them to freedom.

Today the need for that strategy is more urgent than any other time, and there is a reason for that.



Russian TV Mockingly Prepares for Nuclear War With Real Nuclear-War Instructions 

“The beginning of the program had a mocking tone about war fears, as pictures of nuclear explosions played in the background. A newscaster said the ‘real panic isn’t here but across the ocean,’ suggesting that Americans are terrified of a war with Russia,” Newsweek reports.

According to Newsweek, the news station warned of a “catastrophic” conflict between the two superpowers and recommended that people buy salt and oatmeal, noting that they can last a long time on the shelves inside a bunker. The anchor then explained that the shelf life of powdered milk is five years and sugar can last eight years, and then showed video of a person cooking pasta in a bomb shelter because all of this is … funny.



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