Home News Breaking: Trump to Sign Executive Order Ending Family Separations at Border

Breaking: Trump to Sign Executive Order Ending Family Separations at Border

by Confluence
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By: Lisa M. Hayes – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

President Donald Trump said he plans to sign an executive action on Wednesday that would end the administration’s policy of separating migrant families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. This is contrary to his previous position that only Congress could fix the problem, thus functionally an end to extorting Congress for wall funding with the lives of children.

This announcement comes after Trump and his administration faced extraordinary criticism from lawmakers, activists, religious leaders and former first ladies over the separation of children from their parents in custody. It also comes at the pleading request of Republicans facing mid-term elections and unprecedented public rage over the policies separating children from families and putting them in detention centers alone.

The move to end the separation policy via executive action appeared to have happened quickly, leaving many in the White House stunned and confused. Members of the White House legislative affairs team, which had been working with lawmakers in a bid to find a legislative fix, were left out of the loop.

While this issue is far from resolved and the product of this announcement is yet to be seen, this move alleviates the immediate public scrutiny both domestically and internationally.


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