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Be Relentless In The Pursuit Of More

by Confluence
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By: Lisa M. Hayes – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

Everywhere you turn someone is telling you something is wrong with the world you live in and more specifically wrong with you. But guess what – that is total crap.

You Are Absolutely Perfect Just The Way You Are

And Your Life Is Precious Right This Very Moment.

Goal setting doesn’t work because it’s are based on the innately flawed premise that you need to be different. It’s often about giving something up when chances are what you really need is more. The biggest epidemic we have as a society is chronically underfed and uninspired souls.

Listen to the whisper of your soul. It’s probably begging for more.

The one and ONLY question you should be asking yourself right now is this:

What Do You Want More Of?

Do you want a healthier body?

How can you be giving yourself more incredible and life-sustaining food?

How can you be giving yourself more reasons to dance and move?

Want more love in your life?

How can you be allowing yourself to be more open to receiving?

How can you be more fully appreciating the love you already have?

How can you be allowing more fun and friendship?

Want more money?

How can you be giving yourself more inspiration?

How can you be giving MORE joy to others?

Do you want more time?

Do you want more freedom?

Do you want more fun?

Do you want more adventure?

Do you want more peace?

What do you really want more of?

The Only Thing That Could Possibly Be Wrong With You Is You Might Not Realize How Precious You Are Right Now.

You are more than enough.

Give yourself more of whatever your heart desires.

Be curious.

Be greedy.

Be insatiable.

Be Relentless In The Pursuit Of More.


More by Lisa:

In Defense of the Selfie




Lisa Hayes, The Love Whisperer, is an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is the author of the newly released hit book, Score Your Soulmate and How to Escape from Relationship Hell and The Passion Plan.




Confluence Daily is the one place where everything comes together. The one-stop for daily news for women.

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