Home News Pelosi, Cohen, Migrant Children: 3 Stories You Should Read 1/17/2019

Pelosi, Cohen, Migrant Children: 3 Stories You Should Read 1/17/2019

by Confluence
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In the category of:  The Horror Report

Thousands of More Migrant Children Were Separated From Parents, New Watchdog Report Finds

A new report shows that in 2017, government officials noticed a “steep increase” in separated children in detention centers.

The Trump administration may have taken “thousands” more immigrant children from parents at the border than was previously known, and does not know how many families were separated in total, according to a report released Thursday by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The government also does not know if these families were reunified.

This group is in addition to the 2,737 children the government separated from their parents starting last April, as part of a “zero tolerance” policy that required all migrants to be criminally prosecuted after crossing the border.

In the summer of 2017, staff and officials from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which runs the government shelters for unaccompanied migrant children, saw a “steep increase” in the number of separated children.




In the category of:  Just not surprising

Trump’s Ex-Lawyer Cohen Acknowledges Scheme To Rig Polls In Presidential Race

President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen acknowledged on Thursday that he schemed to rig online polls that sought to make Trump seem like a more plausible presidential candidate.

The story was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. In a tweet following the report, Cohen said he sought to help Trump’s political aspirations, having been directed by the candidate.

“What I did was at the direction of and for the sole benefit of [Trump],” he wrote. “I truly regret my blind loyalty to a man who doesn’t deserve it.”




In the category of:  Powerplay

Trump holding off Pelosi counter-punch

The president is so far staying uncharacteristically silent after Pelosi’s State of the Union power play.

President Donald Trump and his aides like to say that when he is attacked, he punches back 10 times harder.

But more than 24 hours after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivered an explosive letter calling for the postponement of the State of the Union address, Trump and White House officials are staying largely silent — and that’s by design.


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