Home News 3 Stories You Should Read 06/17/2019: Sarah Sanders, Nike, Young voters of color

3 Stories You Should Read 06/17/2019: Sarah Sanders, Nike, Young voters of color

by Confluence
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In the category of:  The voices of color

Young voters of color are supporting Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. But many want a different candidate.

Millennials and Gen Z are the most diverse generations of voters in America. A new survey shows that they’re still figuring out whom to support.

During the 2018 midterms, turnout from Gen Z, millennials, and Gen X narrowly eclipsed that of boomers and older generations, marking the second election cycle in a row where younger voters participated more than their elders. It suggests that as the 2020 election approaches, it will be important to understand the perspectives of young voters and how they differ from older members of the electorate.

recent survey of adults ages 36 and under aims to do just that, finding significant differences in how young adults from different racial groups are prioritizing political issues and the candidates they support.

The data comes from the GenForward Survey, a University of Chicago-based project that tracks the political attitudes and interests of young people, and breaks those results down by race. Its latest survey finds that young adults, specifically young adults of color, strongly disapprove of President Trump and believe that the country is “on the wrong track.”




In the category of:  Uncomfortable norms

Plus-size mannequins reveal our warped perception of ‘normal’

Nike has introduced so-called “plus-size” mannequins at its flagship London store. They have been pictured in the shop wearing black crop tops and leggings, which has already prompted disgust from some who claim that their presence “celebrates obesity” and promotes a “dangerous lie.”

The new mannequins punctuate a retail landscape which has traditionally played host to advertisements, billboards, and stores that almost exclusively feature rake-thin models. The idea that a few fat mannequins represent a threat to our health is not only absurd, it fails to acknowledge the pervasive and more sinister ideal represented by the mannequins we have considered “normal”.
The average American woman is 5 feet 3.5 inches tall, and weighs 170.5 pounds. These dimensions are far more similar to the new, larger mannequins than those we usually see in shop windows. But we have grown used to the sight of “normal” mannequins in the same way we have with Barbie dolls and Disney princesses with waists narrower than their heads.


In the category of:  Daughters of the Patriarchy

Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders the Future of the Republican Party?

Rare is the Trump Administration official who hasn’t burned out or been run out. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, who will leave her post at the end of the month, lasted longer than almost anyone. If she had stayed through July, she would have passed the two-year mark in what has been called, even during placid Presidencies, an impossible job.

Donald Trump complicated the role tenfold. As I reported last September, in a Profile of Sanders for The New Yorker, no previous White House press secretary answered for a President who tweeted his id; who found something to like about Nazis; who lied habitually, and seemingly without consequence; who dismissed journalists as the “enemy of the people”; and who shrugged off a hostile foreign nation’s attempts to sway a U.S. Presidential election. Yet Sanders defended Trump through one appalling moment after another. She showed a willingness to engage in divisive forms of televised political combat with the press, and had an appetite and aptitude for doing so.




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