Home editorial Men in the U.S. are not going to stop the rise of fascism.

Men in the U.S. are not going to stop the rise of fascism.

by Confluence
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Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know

By:  Lisa M. Hayes

Here is the thing to remember today: Men in the U.S. are not going to stop the rise of fascism. Women have to do it, and it has always come down to just that.
Before you dedicate yourself to being all shouty on social media today about the SCOTUS TX abortion law decision, please, I implore you, stop and take an hour or two to figure out how and where you can plugin, in concrete ways to be a part of a movement or organization that is committed to protecting women and the rights of women.
Complaining, no matter how righteous it feels, no matter how loud, or how large your audience is, is not actually taking action.
Processing is important. Process with your people, IRL or online, if you must. Feel your feelings. However, do not mistake rage for action.
Either we organize and go after it or they are coming for us.
We get to decide.

Give your money and time to organizations that are led by women of color, who are most affected by abortion bans.

Causes like Sister SongAccess Reproductive Care-SoutheastNational AsianPacific American Women’s Forum, and Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (URGE), to name a few, are doing the vital work of centering on women of color, who are often the most endangered by abortion bans and restrictions to reproductive rights.  (Teen Vouge)

And then there is:


Planned Parenthood


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