Home editorial There is a reason the poster child of a mass shooter is an angry white man who spent his childhood in Sunday school.

There is a reason the poster child of a mass shooter is an angry white man who spent his childhood in Sunday school.

by Confluence
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By:  Lisa M Hayes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know

The Christian right is so prone to believing conspiracy theories like Q and trailing down the true-believer road behind “authority figures” who are chronically dishonest and/or dangerous BECAUSE they have been GROOMED since childhood to believe critical thinking is literally a sin.
When you are taught faith is the ultimate test of God and that critical thinking is the road straight to hell, not only do you fail to develop critical thinking skills, but you also will discourage critical thinking in your children. You have to.
If you have read the Bible and stepped back from it, just far enough to get some focus, you will understand the magnitude of fantasy Christians are trained to embrace as the truth. It is also really easy to understand why the far, radicalized right is prone to violence and even righteous “holy war.”
There is a reason the poster child of a mass shooter is an angry white man who spent his childhood in Sunday school. We are moving into a dangerous moment in our history fueled by the rage of radicals who model their behaviors after a wrathful God. Not all, but too many will both die for the cause, but they will kill for that cause.
This is a moment they have been trained for and have been training for longer than any of us could understand where radicalized Christian thinking was leading. The truth doesn’t matter when the population has been indoctrinated to believe critical thinking is both a threat to the white way of life but also a mortal sin.
Be careful out there.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Be mindful of how you engage with the enraged.
Understand that cult-think is absolute and blinding.

Confluence Daily is the one place where everything comes together. The one-stop for daily news for women.



Lisa is an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is also the founder of The Coaching Guild where the world’s best coaches are trained. 

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