Home News Presidential Contenders, George Bush Sr, Scott Walker: 3 Stories You Should Read 11/5/2018

Presidential Contenders, George Bush Sr, Scott Walker: 3 Stories You Should Read 11/5/2018

by Confluence
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In the category of: Another round of GOP abuse of power.

In Stunning Power Grab, Wisconsin Republicans Pass Bill Weakening New Governor

The bills take power away from newly elected Democrats.

Wisconsin’s lame-duck, Republican-controlled state Legislature passed on Wednesday a host of measures designed to kneecap Gov.-elect Tony Evers, other Democrats elected to statewide offices and hurt the Democratic Party in general, sending the legislation to the GOP governor Evers defeated ― Scott Walker ― for his signature.

One part of the package would prohibit municipalities from allowing more than two weeks of early voting. That presumably would cut down on voter turnout, which generally helps Republicans.

Other provisions would give the Legislature full control of a state economic development agency, block the governor’s ability to write regulations and allow the Legislature to hire its own lawyers to file lawsuits on behalf of the state.

Walker, who narrowly lost to Evers, is expected to sign the package into law.

Democrats are already threatening to fight the measures in court.




In the category of:  Sainting the dead and other things that are less than honest.

‘Civility’ is For White People

No, George Bush was not particularly evil. He was just regular-strength evil.

And a hero.

And a statesman.

Because he was white.

Although I rarely marvel at white people, sometimes I stand in awe of whoever runs the wypipo public relations team. They are nothing if not bold and unashamed. They have the ability to turn on a dime and convolute the truth until it is unrecognizable.

They will hang the black president in effigy and question his legitimacy but turn around and ask that you respect and honor a virulently racist half-moron because he is the president of the “greatest country in the world.” They will say Trump is “pushing back” against his detractors when he calls Maxine Waters a “low IQ individual” but will warn me that I should refrain from calling the President a “white supremacist.




In the category of:  The short/long list everyone wants to see.

He’s running. She’s running. Everyone’s running.

Remember when 17 Republicans running for their party’s 2016 presidential nomination seemed like a lot? The field was so overly crowded that early primary debates had to be divided into two, with the 10 candidates with the highest poll numbers in one televised event and the rest shunted off to a “secondary debate” given much less coverage and attention.

Well, if you thought the GOP’s 2016 clown car was too crowded, wait till you see the Democrats’ 2020 crew.

By my count, no fewer than 30 people could end up running for the Democratic nomination in 2020. Maybe the early forums and debates can make use of risers — you know, the kind you see at choral concerts, with 10 or so candidates standing side-by-side three rows deep. (If we’re lucky, they’ll start the night by breaking into a rousing rendition of “We Shall Overcome.”)





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