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I think it’s past time for a rise of feminine villain energy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Women will have to save our democracy because men aren’t going to do it.
Women will have to dismantle both racism and the patriarchy because men aren’t going to do it.
How do we know that?
Because it isn’t fucking done, and it isn’t going to get done while we behave like fragile flowers in a vase on a shelf with an expiration date. We have been the women behind the men fighting for their way of life too long.

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Model Feminist?

Reading Time: 5 minutes I’ve long had a contradictory relationship with the beauty industry. On one hand, I think physical beauty is meaningless, revealing nothing other than our genes, our talent with makeup, and/or the skill of our plastic surgeon. Having a fit body does require work, however, no amount of working out can give a person long legs. On the other hand, humans are hard-wired to respond to whatever beauty standard currently prevails (and beauty is cultural and dynamic, though the internet has made the standards more and more similar, if my brief exposure to last year’s Miss Universe pageant is any indication). But on yet another hand (work with me here), I can’t say I’m immune to such things, as a longtime admirer of the male form and subscriber to both Vogue and Elle. Which have excellent articles, but are mainly about pretty people in pretty clothes.

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