One place where everything comes together

love and light


How You Feel About Yourself Is Contagious

Reading Time: 4 minutes It doesn’t come naturally for a woman to love herself in our society. In fact, things are set up quite the opposite. A lot of huge, money-making corporations in the world that control most of what you see out there every day, bank of the fact that you will feel unworthy.

This is a bold statement, but I’ll say it anyway. If you don’t have the skills to truly love yourself, you might not have much business in a relationship. You are dangerous to yourself and others until you heal. A relationship won’t fix you. Only you can do that.

This story was shared with permission and the names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.

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5 Steps Towards Enlightenment When Love and Light Aren’t Cutting It

Reading Time: 4 minutes Seriously, very few things are actually worth giving a shit about. 
I know it seems like very-single-thing is code red, but trust me it’s not. Your life is probably not really on fire, so you can stop running around acting like you’re putting one out. 

Are you breathing? 
Are you currently NOT being chased by a bear?
If you answered yes to those two questions, everything is really ok right now. 

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