One place where everything comes together

michele woodward


What does the current iteration of the Republican Party really want?

Reading Time: 2 minutes When the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor, the nobility is intact, and the peasants are seen and not heard. Which is utterly pleasant for the person sitting at the dining table, and not so grand for those doing the cooking.

The aim, then, of today’s Republican Party – it’s gotta be – is to restore the monarchy.

Which was not, if you ask me – in the slightest – the aim of the Founders.

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The question before men today is this: Who am I, as a man, if I don’t dominate others with money and sex?

Reading Time: 4 minutes So much has changed in my lifetime. So much. And so much will be changed by the end of my life. If men hold fast to outdated ideas and ways of being, the result will be even more unhappy, lonely, unfufilled men. Which would be such a tragedy for all of us. If more men can grow, evolve and serve, then there’s a chance it will be a much better world than the one I was born into, where everyone was forced into strict roles, responsibilities and limitations. We can live in a world of authenticity, freedom and openness – for all of us.

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A People Before Politics Platform that Makes Sense When Everything Seems Insane

Reading Time: 8 minutes I woke up this morning with the powerful need to write down what I want to happen in our country, politically.

I’m going to share these ideas with you not because I want you to agree with me, but because I want you to consider your own perspective on these issues and come to your own conclusions.

Then, take a hard look at the candidates on your slate next month. Where do they stand on the issue vs. where you stand? If it’s unclear, find a way to ask them.

Then, vote for the people who are closest to your point of view. They may not be 100% in alignment with you – but vote for the one who’s 80% there over the one who’s 10% with you.

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Brett Kavanaugh May Very Well THINK He’s Telling the Truth and that Doesn’t Mean it Didn’t Happen

Reading Time: 2 minutes That Dr. Ford carried this trauma with her – carries it today – does not surprise me. It would surprise me if I had a female friend who didn’t carry similar trauma, really.

What deeply saddens me is that the trauma which has outlined her life for over 30 years is completely unmemorable to Judge Kavanaugh. And if he wasn’t the perpetrator, then it’s unmemorable to whoever that man was.

Because it was meaningless to him. And it was everything to her.

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