One place where everything comes together

ming chee


Unlucky with Money?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I don’t really believe in luck. I do believe we are all on our own journey and here to learn the lessons that we are meant to learn. I also believe we are conscious co-creators of our lives, and that we don’t just let life passively go by.

That being said, when you find yourself in deep contrast, meaning struggling to pay the mortgage or rent, put food on the table, pay bills, etc., you could say, “Wow, I’m so unlucky in money.” However, that is a limiting belief. It lowers your vibration.

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Do You Have a Money Allergy?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Talking about Money makes them uncomfortable. Thinking about Money makes them hesitate. Receiving Money makes them want to RUN! You can see them kind of squirming right there in their seat. There is a constant struggle with Money. They just have given up altogether on the whole subject of Money.

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