Home Relate Taylor Swift: THE MASTER OF HOW TO CONNECT TO 56,000 PEOPLE


by Confluence
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By: Ming Chee


How? Ask Taylor Swift.  The picture in this post is confetti that poured all over us the night of her concert.

A very good friend of mine invited me months ago if I would like to see Taylor Swift with him.  I said yes! I don’t know all her songs, but I knew that I liked the ones I did know. I also knew that she was known for loving up her fans more than any other entertainer.  I got to witness this personally.   At the Century Link Stadium in Seattle, home of the Seahawks is where the concert was on a Tuesday night.  Even Taylor seemed surprised to see that 56,000 people came to see on a Tuesday night. It was packed.  I had good seats too right on the floor .  But when it comes to having seats on the floor, no one sat down. In fact, we never sat down.  My friend said that is a good sign.  Height however sometimes is a challenge.  At times I couldn’t see the full amazing sets even on the big screen in front of me. However right when I was starting to get a little disappointed I couldn’t see, I turned around and there was another huge screen.

But that wasn’t all.  I heard people screaming way above me to the left of me. I had no idea what they were seeing. They were like “ants” at the top of the stadium. However, who could see them? It was Taylor Swift coming down on what looked like a chandelier she was connecting.  She came all the way down to a platform that was so close that I could see her bootstraps on her boots. It was very cool . She then got off the stage and ran behind our section and touched every hand she could as she moved to the other side of the stadium and once again connected to the other side.

That is how she connected to 56,000 people literally.

The demographics there that I could see was age 4 to 74. How do you connect to that much of age range?! It was really something I kept thinking about.  The audience LOVED her. They never got quiet, they never stopped singing her lyrics. In fact Taylor’s words, you aren’t just singing my words you are screaming them back to me.

Connection is a powerful thing. Connection is one of my core values so I thrive when I connect.

I was telling my friend about the concert and she said, well if kindness is your message, how could you not reach ages 4 to 74.

Right? We are all connected.

Thank you Taylor Swift for showing us all that.


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Ming Chee is the Money Alchemist. She is profoundly supported on her journey with the angels, Archangels, fairies (known now as Ming’s Money fairies), spirit animals and goddesses who continue to support her to this day. With what she has learned to manifest money along with the metaphysical connection, she can help you do the same.


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