Home Engage 5 Ways to Get Involved and Do Something Politically Instead of Sitting Around Freaking Out

5 Ways to Get Involved and Do Something Politically Instead of Sitting Around Freaking Out

by Confluence
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By: Lisa M. Hayes – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

Yes, let’s face it, Trump may try to fire Mueller and if you’re like me, that’s the kind of nightmare-inducing scenario that makes me wants to move into a bunker. But you and I both know, worrying is futile and it’s unhealthy. Stress is a product of focus. The good news about focus is you control it. Yes, sometimes it’s hard, but taking control of your focus is worth the effort.

For me, focusing on being and doing the change feels better than focusing on the world going to hell in a handbasket. Staying busy is better than being idle because at this point, an idle mind can spiral pretty quickly.

A lot of good things are going on right now. A lot of good people are doing good work right now. Much of it is being inspired by the Trump Administration. So, we have to admit, not everything is going to hell. As things seem to be moving daily further in the direction of OMG, it might feel better to DO something rather than do nothing.

Here are five organizations you can leverage to get involved in easy ways today:


5 Calls is the easiest and most effective way for citizens to make an impact in national and local politics.

Turn your passive participation into active resistance. Facebook likes and Twitter retweets can’t create the change you want to see. Calling your Government on the phone can.




Working to flip state legislatures. Provides data on the most flippable seats and suggest actions to win these seats.




across the nation taking Indivisible action in every single congressional district. People like you lead them.
People like you build them.

If you want to get social in person vs. virtually, this is the place to do it. Indivisible is a good place to meet like-minded people and be in community.


She Should Run

Supporting 250,000 women to run for office by 2030.

Founded in 2011, She Should Run is a non-partisan 501(c)3 that provides an approachable starting place and network for women leaders considering a future run for office and for those who support them.

Our Ask a Woman to Run tool provides a way for individuals to tell us about great women leaders they know who should consider a run for office. Our first-of-its-kind She Should Run Incubator offers resources and a community that meets women where they are in their paths to elected leadership.


Find Your Representatives

Not sure of your congressional district or who your member is?

This service will assist you by matching your ZIP code to your congressional district, with links to your member’s website and contact page.

Here’s a great Twitter thread from a former Congressional staffer about how to actually get politicians to listen (your phone is your best ally).




CHECK BEFORE YOU POST OR REPOST – Because truth matters, a lot.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Website dedicated to sorting the political fact from fiction.

And if Politifact doesn’t have what you’re looking for there’s always, Snopes.


Confluence Daily is the one place where everything comes together. The one-stop for daily news for women.


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