One place where everything comes together

Month: March 2019



Reading Time: 5 minutes Despite what your Instagram says, sometimes the best thing to do is to make the most of the job you have while looking for the one that will stoke your passions. After all, a lot of us have hard time feeling blissful when we’re concerned about being evicted or don’t know where our next meal is coming from! So, if you find yourself in this position, here are some tips that can transform the way you look at your work while you are in the midst of getting ready for your next move.

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The Right Time for Resolutions

Reading Time: 3 minutes The traditional advice regarding Mercury retrograde is this is NOT the time to sign contracts or buy expensive electronics. But what we sometimes don’t hear is that Mercury retrograde IS a great time to revisit, reread, revise, rewrite, rethink, research, and relax. It is a great time to plan, and then when Mercury goes direct, that is the time to act on those plans.

This is how I feel about the “New Year” (the popular one, the one that begins on January 1 – the one that arrives in THE DEAD OF WINTER) – I like to take that time to think, to plan, to brainstorm, and then when spring comes I’m ready to begin taking action to bring those plans to fruition.

I think the ancients had it right with observing a new year at the spring equinox. And this is good news for me, especially right now, since spring has arrived, and I’m finally feeling ready to rock those resolutions.

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On Rage

Reading Time: 5 minutes I don’t think I ever knew real anger until I became a parent.  Before that, my world was a tightly controlled environment, a carefully curated timeline of events and experiences designed to keep my anxiety and boredom at bay.  I knew parenting would be hard, but I had no idea that it would undo me, at times completely. When I first felt rage, I was shocked. I had never before experienced a surge of energy so strong that I thought I could actually kill someone with my bare hands.  It terrified me. I went to a therapist I had been seeing for awhile and she freaked out–I think she thought I was losing my mind. I wanted to say–but don’t mothers get angry sometimes? Because THIS sucks. But I didn’t, I just stopped going to therapy and tried to figure out how to deal with my newly found emotional turmoil myself.

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Turn the News Off: Ten Point Plan for a News Sabbatical Starting Today

Reading Time: 6 minutes I’m going to let you in on a little secret.
Now is an exceptionally good time to turn the news off. 
Take more than a break. Take a sabbatical. 
It’s ok to power down, unplug, and refocus on your life without the input. 
Seriously, if something is happening you really need to know, like an asteroid hurling towards earth, someone will tell you. 

At this point, the news is an anxiety-inducing adrenaline pumping experience. Chances are pretty high if you unplug you’ll actually go through a detox. However, that is the very reason to do it. You and your body probably need a reset. 

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