One place where everything comes together

Month: October 2019


Vice: The invisible: this is how the children of prisoners live in Mexico

Reading Time: 4 minutes When this day is over, about 700 children will have gone to bed inside a Mexican prison. Not because they are criminals, but because their mothers broke the law. These are minors who were with them at the time of their arrest, or who were procreated behind bars, and who today suffer from the deplorable conditions of Mexican prisons. They are the invisible children of the National Penitentiary System.

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The Week: Joe Biden- The only conservative running for president

Reading Time: 4 minutes Joe Biden is a conservative. Throughout his career he has taken his strongest public stands in favor of norms, rules, traditions, and institutions designed to restrain and balance competing forces in our politics. He tends not to be motivated by moral or ideological imperatives. This is abundantly clear from his long-standing record of hesitation to support impeachment as a remedy for presidential malfeasance, recently and usefully summarized in The New York Times.

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