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When the Present Moment is Dark

by Cindie Chavez
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Cindie Chavez – ©2018

Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.  ~Eckhart Tolle

It has been said that when we stop growing, we begin dying. Not much grey area there, “Grow or die!” Pondering this idea brings up thoughts about growth, all the stages of growth, and the fact that in nature, (which we are a part of), growth is the prime objective. Always.

A plant will literally grow around a corner if that is what it needs to do to get sunshine, or water, or whatever it needs to keep growing.

Gardening is such a good analogy of growth, and life in general.

The planning is often a lot of fun, deciding which blossoms you’d like to see here, and here, and over there. Browsing through the glossy pages of home and garden magazines imagining how lovely the garden is going to look once it is in full bloom.

And then, of course, comes the actual work.

To plant a seed the soil must be turned. It’s a dirty job – there are weeds to be pulled, and, “Look! There are worms in there!” (Eww.) 

The impossibly tiny seeds get planted, way down in the deep, dark, dirt. I’m reminded of the analogy of the car headlights only needing to shine a short distance ahead, and how life is like that sometimes, we can’t see around the corners – sometimes it seems dangerously dark trying to navigate with minimal light, with minimal knowledge of what’s ahead. And like the seeds, waiting in the dark ground, deprived of sunlight for a time.

Then the watering, consistent watering. Occasionally, our personal soul garden gets watered by tears. And on a metaphysical level our seeds of intention get watered by our thoughts of success, our faith in the Universe, our vision, our passion, the knowing that we are creative beings.

The seed germinates and begins to push up against the dirt, fighting to break through where it will finally feel the sun. Have you ever felt like that? I know I have. That silent struggle, the one no one else sees, and right when you feel you can’t push anymore…the breakthrough.  

And finally like the tiny green sprout, we see some daylight.

As with every other part of nature, our growth is the prime objective. And because of this we will consistently attract exactly what we need for our own personal growth.

Sometimes it feels dark and scary.

Sometimes it seems like nothing is happening. We pass by that little garden plot and see nothing but dirt for days on end. Dirt, dirt, dirt.

Manifestation takes time. And faith. Growth comes in the dark.

And so we faithfully water the seeds, holding the vision, knowing that we will see them sprout because if we faithfully hold the vision for that thing we want to experience, eventually it will begin to harden into fact.

When you think of the stages of growth mentioned above, what parallels can you find in your own life?

Have you just chosen a new path? Are you smiling with the exuberance of brainstorming a new experience? It’s exciting! Planning, choosing, intending.

Are you in the dirt-turning, seed-planting, weed-pulling, wormy stage? Getting down to business, doing the work, finding and completing the next steps.

Maybe you’re feeling the intensity of the “in the dark” stage?  Nothing seems to be happening. Dirt, dirt, dirt. Feeling impatient. WHERE is the damn sprout?!

Are you close to a breakthrough?  

Have you just begun to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

How does it feel when you view your current situations as being opportunities for your growth?

Everything we experience is the perfect opportunity for the next step of personal growth. And remember, in nature (which we are a part of) growth is always the objective.

When you view your current circumstances as if you had chosen them you give yourself the gift of empowerment.

Once you choose this perspective you stand in the place of knowing it’s your garden, you planted it, you’re tending it, weeding it, watering it, waiting for it.

And if you’re faithful to the vision, you will see it bloom. And it will be magnificent.


More by Cindie:

Thankful for Every Single Thing



Cindie Chavez is known as “The Love & Magic Coach”. She is the creator of MOONTREAT™ –  and she has some great free stuff for you at her website: www.cindiechavez.com




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