Home Evolve Rules or not rules?

Rules or not rules?

by Janette Dalgliesh
Close up dandelion, seeds being blown into a sky at sunset
Reading Time: 2 minutes

I totally dig the rules that help protect the vulnerable, the environment, and each other. 

I dig the rules about stopping at a red light, driving slowly near a school crossing, wearing a mask during a pandemic. 

Rules that help set other people free – while being nothing more than a minor inconvenience to me – are always going to float my boat. 

But I’m not a fan of rules when it comes to the things which only involve you. 

Like whether you prefer apples or oranges; Apple or Windows.

Or what kind of social media is your preference. 

I don’t dig rules which tell you how to vote. I DO dig rules which enshrine the concept that everyone should get to vote. 

And I definitely don’t dig rules which aim to constrain or prescribe your relationship with the non-physical (aka the cosmic, intangible, magical, spiritual, mystical, ineffable STUFF of the universe, which we can’t fully grasp – the ‘non-Newtonian’ aspects of reality which take us beyond ourselves). 

I don’t dig rules which tell you it’s your job to interfere with MY relationship with the non-physical.

Because my relationship with that ineffable presence beyond our physical realms is a personal, private relationship. And so is yours.

Isn’t that cool?

I believe you can *always* ask for – and receive – help from the non-physical without necessarily having to follow rules or conditions that are outside your capacity. 

For example – I have scarring from an old vocal injury. You can’t hear it when I talk or sing. But I can FEEL it if I try to chant. Tell me that I HAVE to chant 1000 times in order to get help from a particular deity or spirit, and I’m instantly hurled into the stormy waters of pain, obligation, stress and duty. UGH! So – with the collaboration of such an entity – I will ‘break the rules’ and offer something different. 

And I’ll be honest – I don’t think you have to get into weird-ass, out-there woo, in order to get non-physical assistance on board AT ALL. 

No spell-casting, prayer, meditation or dancing naked under the Moon is required in order to create and sustain a beautiful relationship with the intangible.

AND – if rituals and practices light you up, you get to embrace them in ways that please you. 

No previous knowledge of any particular spiritual or religious system is required. 

AND if you already have a practice or faith to which you are devoted, then go for it. 

Your relationship with the intangible is nobody else’s business, as long as it’s not hurting anyone else. 

Because when you can be open to having that kind of relationship ON YOUR TERMS, it opens up some fabulous doors to creativity, possibility, magic and the wildest kinds of ‘coincidence’. 

(PS this is what I spent time experimenting with, when I created my own non-physical dream team to support me – and it’s been AH-MAZING! I’m teaching it in early November and you can click here to find out more

Janette Dalgliesh is a coach and astrologer, who helps people from all walks of life to experience the deep joy of living their soul’s true purpose in the world. You can find her at www.janettedalgliesh.com 

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