by Cindie Chavez
Reading Time: 4 minutes


Cindie Chavez ©2018


I’ve been thinking this week about how we relate to money. As a relationship coach I tend to view everything as a relationship, and – a conversation – which makes sense to me since what else are relationships but a string of connections, communications, and conversations?

Specifically my thoughts have veered into the lane of spirituality – however, that takes form in each of our specific paths.

I’ve mentioned my spiritual path before – it’s been a long and winding road that has meandered through several different religions and traditions and currently embraces Judaism, Buddhism, and Magic.

Yours, I’m sure, is a different, or at least unique to you, path.

Maybe you’re a Catholic, or a Christian, or a Witch (with or without a connection to Wicca or Paganism), or maybe you’ve created your own Eclectic New-age path, or maybe you feel more comfortable with whatever traditions your family of origin taught you.

Whatever spiritual practices you engage in I’m almost certain you’ll find some connections with money and wealth (maybe you feel better calling it “abundance”). Our spiritual practices often intersect in some way to our relationship with Money.

I’ve been asking myself and others some curious questions such as

What do you think of Money?

What would you think of a person if you were told that this person ‘loves Money’?

Do you love Money?

Do you get uncomfortable talking about Money?

Do you think that “rich people” are bad?

Do you have an “us and them” mentality about people with wealth?

All of these questions inform our own personal ideas about Money, – our “Money story” – and they give us a great deal of information about how we relate to Money – about the quality of our relationship with Money.

This concept of a relationship with Money is not new – coaches and teachers such as Morgana Rae, Maria Nemeth, and Lynne Twist have all written volumes about our relationship to money. And a quick google search of the words “relationship with money” found 869,000,000 results.

Many of these coaches and teachers remind us that “Money is Energy” and that it is neither good nor bad, but rather, they say, the Energy of Money is neutral.

But for many of us, the concept of having a relationship with Money is foreign. A relationship with Money? How weird!

And I think that’s because we don’t really have a relationship with Money. The evidence of this is shown by how we approach those entities that we do claim to have a relationship with when the subject of Money is at hand.

For instance, if we need more money we might pray and ask God or Jesus to provide what we need. We might ask “The Universe” for financial help. Maybe we make offerings to Jupiter, or Lakshmi, Ganesha, or the Black Madonnas, or Papa Legba – or a myriad of other deities/entities/energies asking for their help in these weighty matters of money.

But this, to me, sounds like something that happens in relationships that aren’t so healthy. It’s called “triangulation” and it happens when we don’t have a direct connection to someone and we use an intermediary to do that relating and connecting for us. Remember in 7th grade when your friend had a crush on that other friend and wanted you to tell them since you knew them better?

When my sons were teenagers we were very close, but there were plenty of tense moments between them and my ex-husband. He would often want to demand something of them (“Clean your room!”), and instead, tell me to tell them. At some point, I got wise to how unhealthy this triangulation was and started telling him that I’d give them a message to call him so he could tell them himself.

Personally, I feel the same way about reminding people to go wish happy birthday to someone else – and so many other forms of trying to manage someone else’s relationships. At some point, we all need to grow up and tend to our own relationships.

This might be offensive to you if you’re someone who consistently carries messages (along with emotional weight and labor) for others, but I have found that it has been a good decision for me personally.

Here’s why – in a triangulation situation there is often a Victim, an Abuser/Bully, and a Rescuer – and often the people involved switch around taking each of those roles. In my past marriage and parenting experience I didn’t want to be any of those – so I opted out of any communication that was triangulating.

How does this connect to our relationship with Money?

Well, many people like to make Money the “bad guy” – responsible for all of the world’s ills. For this reason they don’t develop a relationship with Money – energetically they hold money away from themselves – BUT of course, the sticky wicket here is that WE NEED MONEY! Such a dilemma! What do we do now? We ask someone ELSE to help us with this. Someone that we think has a little more influence.

“Dear God, I really need to pay these bills. Could you send Money my way?”

“Hey, Jupiter, here is some incense and a shot of whiskey, can you talk to Money for me?”

“Hello, Universe! I’m in dire straits and need some cash right away! I’m grateful for your assistance and I’m open to receiving! Please send a windfall ASAP!”

Now, to be clear, I’m no stranger to working with deities of all stripes. I believe in a solid gratitude practice. I pray and meditate and invoke the Universe on the regular. I love working with planetary energies. Ritual is my jam. I’m an incense-burning, candle-lighting, sigil-crafting, offering-giving, niggun-chanting, altar-building magic-lover. I’m grateful for the support of the Universe and I adore working alongside these supportive energies.

However, I’ve decided that if I don’t have a good relationship with Money I’m not going to put that task on someone else. My relationships are my responsibility.



Cindie Chavez is known as “The Love & Magic Coach”. She is the creator of MOONLIGHT™ – A Course in Manifesting Love and the author of Healing for a Broken Heart. She has some great free stuff for you at her website: www.cindiechavez.com


More by Cindie:




Cindie Chavez is known as “The Love & Magic Coach”. She is the creator of MOONLIGHT™ – A Course in Manifesting Love and she has some great free stuff for you at her website: www.cindiechavez.com





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