One place where everything comes together

Cindie Chavez


This Magical Idea Will Make You Rethink Your Morning Routine

Reading Time: 4 minutes Here’s the simple recipe:  Each day as you find yourself in the mirror, in a place of privacy, – such as your normal morning routine (brushing teeth, washing, shaving, applying makeup, etc.) – give yourself a quick pep talk, with the same love and care that you would give to a child going off to their first day at a new school.

Look into your own eyes. Tell yourself you love yourself.

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We Need to Talk

Reading Time: 3 minutes The truth is we rarely know the whole story, and we won’t ever know it if we can’t shut-up and listen – without judging.

Breathe. Be curious. Assume positive intent. Give your conversational partner the benefit of the doubt. You don’t have to agree with what they’re saying. We all get to choose our own viewpoints, opinions, and beliefs.

Agreement is not required, but understanding is crucial. Make the intention to gain understanding instead of worrying about your response, giving advice, or attempting to “fix” anything. Sometimes the most powerful results come about because the person who is speaking suddenly feels seen and heard.

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Mad as Hell and Full of Compassion

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Dalai Lama has said, “Suffering should make us angry. This type of anger moves us toward a wrathful compassion to take action to end suffering.”

Society as a whole suffers when women don’t have control of their own bodies. Women’s rights are human rights.

In order for a woman to control her destiny, she must have the right to control her own body.

And this includes her right to be angry.

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Is Your Story True?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Life is often unpredictable and recognizing how well we’ve done so far can help us be confident that somehow, we’ll deal with what comes our way, and we’ll probably do much better than we expect. Telling a better story now is an important part of that process.

What stories are you telling about yourself? Do those stories support who you are becoming? It might be worth stepping back and taking another look.

A new story is waiting to be told, one that will support you, empower you, and help you create a truer experience – even when things are uncertain.

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Permission Granted

Reading Time: 3 minutes So often we want permission to do, be or have something and when we do not get permission (or assume that we will not) we settle for something else.  We betray our own soul in an effort to keep from disappointing someone else.

There is no shame in wanting to meet someone else’s expectations. We all do it, it feels good to have someone express that they are happy with our work, or pleased with something we’ve done, or approving of some choice we’ve made. Most of us have had a desire to be acknowledged and validated practically from the time we were born.

But when we meet other people’s expectations at the expense of fulfilling our own dreams and desires we are not truly free. We can become trapped in a web of needing approval and permission.

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How to Choose Your Own Adventure

Reading Time: 3 minutes We do have choices. We get to write our own story. We get to choose our own adventure! And this is the perfect time of year to get moving in a new direction, to write a new chapter.

If you’re feeling ready for something new, but feeling stuck because change feels hard, here are five ideas that will help your first steps toward making a change be a bit easier.

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The Right Time for Resolutions

Reading Time: 3 minutes The traditional advice regarding Mercury retrograde is this is NOT the time to sign contracts or buy expensive electronics. But what we sometimes don’t hear is that Mercury retrograde IS a great time to revisit, reread, revise, rewrite, rethink, research, and relax. It is a great time to plan, and then when Mercury goes direct, that is the time to act on those plans.

This is how I feel about the “New Year” (the popular one, the one that begins on January 1 – the one that arrives in THE DEAD OF WINTER) – I like to take that time to think, to plan, to brainstorm, and then when spring comes I’m ready to begin taking action to bring those plans to fruition.

I think the ancients had it right with observing a new year at the spring equinox. And this is good news for me, especially right now, since spring has arrived, and I’m finally feeling ready to rock those resolutions.

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Your Feelings Are a Miracle

Reading Time: 3 minutes When we look at our feelings with no judgment, but with the knowledge that those undesirable feelings can be the source of very important information, our feelings then have the space (non-resistance) to flow, shift, change and evolve into desirable feelings.

Whatever you are feeling today. It’s a miracle.

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How to Say Yes to What You Want

Reading Time: 3 minutes Law of attraction teachings say our “thoughts become things.” And while I wouldn’t completely disagree, I believe there is more to it. Our thoughts become our beliefs, our beliefs become our stories, our stories create our life. The effect our storytelling has on our real-world experience is immense.

Every day, all the time, we tell stories about who we are. These stories we tell about ourselves are powerful because the way the Universe works is we tell a story over and over and then we create a world that makes it true. We will ALWAYS attract proof.

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